Leon van Gestel, de speaker tijdens de reünie Motocross der Azen, vertaalt op een sublieme wijze zijn ervaringen over de reünie Motocross der Azen. Klik hier



Pictures: Build-up the reunion.

Click here to view the pictures

First Bookwork Motocross of Aces handed over to Peter van Hassel 

Stabilo supports Foundation Reunion Motocross of Aces

Fifth promotional movie placed 

At the end of December 2014, Foundation Reunion Motocross of Aces has donated a gift to Foundation ALS Nederland. 



Availability of exclusive environmental mats by Empire Logomats and Twin Air 

The number of entries has already passed the 80 

Fourth promotional movie placed 

Joël Robert visiting our promotional stand in Genk (B) 

Heikki Mikkola visiting our promotional stand in Genk (B) 

Third promotional movie placed



Stichting Classic Motocross NL
Name: Marcel Hermans
Phone: +31621657908
COC Eindhoven 66993512

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