For sale: Unique Van Veen Kreidler Racer (Replica)

For sale: Unique Van Veen Kreidler (Replica), type 1973/1974/1975.

With original parts such as the magnesium Fontana front hub (170mm).

Completely original 6V Van Veen Kreidler engine block with sand casted magnesium li crankcase.

Original Van Veen Kreidler cylinder and cylinder head, type 1973.

Frame was constructed (by brazing) by Jaap Voskamp in 2009/2010 with serial number available.

In the early seventies, Jaap Voskamp was responsible for the construction of these frames at Van Veen in Amsterdam.

Chassis was completely built up in 2018/2019 by former World Champion 50cc, Henk van Kessel from Mill. 

The entire chassis is really indistinguishable in detail from an original Van Veen Kreidler. 

Everything can be discussed with existing photos.

The entire project is on paper and photos.

Messages will only be answered by Whatsapp (0031-621657908)

For the serious candidates.

Images and sound from the Van Veen Kreidler Replica can be followed and listened here via YouTube


Stichting Classic Motocross NL
Name: Marcel Hermans
Phone: +31621657908
COC Eindhoven 66993512

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