
Reunion Motocross of Aces 20th & 21th of september 2014 

On Saturday 20th and Sunday 21th of September 2014 an unique Reunion Motocross of Aces takes place in St. Anthonis, the Netherlands. This reunion is based on the former International riders, in the period of 1947 til 1985, who have participated in the main program of the Motocross of Aces, Grand Prix's and MXdN organized by SMC St. Anthonis on the circuit the Hoef.

Obviously everyone is welcome on these days, like former riders and interested people from Sint Anthonis and wide surroundings.

It's a pure meet & greet event, without any active racing, but where a particularly attractive programme will be created concerning this illustrious first International Motocross meeting of the year.  

Besides a unique presentation of exclusive bikes, photo's and movies, there is a possibility to walk the old famous circuit the Hoef.  



20th and 21th of September 2014


MFC Oelbroeck with adjacent sporthall

Breestraat 1d

5845 AX St. Anthonis, the Netherlands

GPS Coördinates: N51.37.783 E05.52.782


The rooms will be open from 10.00 til 18.00h


Adults € 5,00

Children til 12 yrs free