
Motocross of Aces

On the 6th of May 1947, the Motorclub S.M.C. St. Anthonis was founded. The board started with the president Harry Goossens, vice president Jan Teunissen, secretary Koos Aben, treasurer Driekus Schut and board member Theo Vloet.

theo vloet
SMC organized soon Terrain Races or Scrambling and been growing within ten years to become one of the biggest organizers in Europe in the world of international Motocross.

In 1968 the name Motocross of Aces appeared for the first time in the media, thereby distinguishes SMC theirselves from other organizers.
SMC got a lot of attention from the press and TV and receives with peaks more than 40,000 spectators. Nearly 50 principal international races were organized on it's characteristic circuit "The Hoef" in St. Anthonis.