
Gerrit Wolsink meeting Peter Willems

During the great reunion Motocross on the old circuit "Hengelse Zand" in Hengelo (Gld) d.d. 30-09-2012, Peter Willems and Gerrit Wolsink had the opportunity to meet each other after a long time.

In the early seventies, Wolsink and Willems had a lot of exciting battles together with Pierre Karsmakers and Jan Keizer during the Dutch Championship Motocross 500cc. Also during the International races, such as the Motocross of Aces in St. Anthonis, they both made a lot of spectacle.

We hope to welcome both former Champions during the planned reunion Motocross of Aces in St. Anthonis on the 20th and 21th of September 2014. 









Stichting Classic Motocross NL
Name: Marcel Hermans
Phone: +31621657908
COC Eindhoven 66993512

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